
Are you going to share detailed itineraries?
My itineraries won't be incredibly detailed or planned to the minute, as that's not my preferred style of travel. When I'm preparing for a trip, I prefer instead to research activities and restaurants in a city and its surrounding areas in advance in order to come up with a general idea of ways to spend time; book one big excursion or activity (to provide some structure and to ensure we don't miss out on an activity because we forgot to book or tried to book too late); and leave the rest of the time free to fill based on mood, weather, etc.

I do plan to include all the travel blogs I end up reading when planning a trip so that you have all the information you need in one place and can view others' itineraries if you'd like.

How many excursions or activities do you plan for one trip?
I typically book one big excursion or activity and make at least one dinner reservation per city, then I come up with a list of other activities or restaurants I'd like to do or visit to fill in the remaining time. However, I don't plan out the days or times, preferring to wander and choose in the moment. 

Occasionally my husband will map out on a Google map where each activity or restaurant is, so that when we're out and about, we can quickly look at the map and see what's nearby! (I got this idea from the blog Katie's Bliss -- scroll down to "Make a Custom Google Map for Every Stop.")

Do you prefer visiting one location for a long time or visiting several locations for a short time each?

Because I hadn't visited many countries before 2017, I prefer now to visit several countries across a period of 7-10 days, to try to see as many places in one trip. I personally feel as though ~3 days per city is enough for me to feel as though I've gotten a feel of the city and at least seen the absolute must-do spots. The one time I spent an entire week in one city, I started getting restless towards the end.

This may change as I get older if I'd rather not rush around and instead want to stay in one spot longer, as well as now there are some places I've visited that I definitely want to return to!

What are the places you're planning to recap?

My current plan is to recap the following places:
  • NYE in Switzerland
  • 48 hours in Dublin, Ireland
  • Washington, D.C.
  • New York City
  • Vermont - Manchester
  • New Hampshire - White Mountains
  • South Carolina - Charleston
  • Virginia - Williamsburg, Roanoke, Charlottesville
  • Tennessee - Nashville
  • Canada - Montreal
  • Czech Republic - Prague
  • Brazil - São Paulo
Where are you traveling to next?
My travel list may change, but these are my current plans:
  • June 2025: Orlando, FL
  • July 2025: A national park for Independence Day
Other things I am hoping to plan this year: A 3- or 5-day cruise (I wish we could do Alaska again, but that's probably not realistic) and a winter trip for Northern Lights and German Christmas markets!

What's on your travel bucket list?
Have you heard the quote "'I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list"? That essentially sums up my attitude, now that I've got the travel bug and because we weren't able to travel internationally during the COVID pandemic. I just want to go everywhere!

Some specific places on my list:
  • Africa (pyramids in Egypt, Morocco because I'm a huge Casablanca fan, and safari and wine-tasting in South Africa)
  • Spain
  • Montana/Idaho/Wyoming road trip
  • New England road trip
  • Puerto Rico
And there are so many places I want to go back to visit again... Portugal, France, Norway, New Zealand, Scotland, Switzerland...

What are "affiliate links" and why does your travel diary website have them?
I'm no fashionista, but I always enjoy the process of deciding what to pack, including purchasing items with a specific trip in mind. Occasionally I will link items from my outfits in case any website visitors want to purchase the items -- when I use an affiliate link for this and someone uses my affiliate link to make a purchase, I earn a small commission (at no extra cost to the purchaser) off that purchase. And as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

I want to be as transparent and honest with my travel diaries, so not only will I include a disclaimer on any post that includes affiliate links, I will also clearly label every affiliate link as such.

How often will you update?
The post frequency all depends! At the beginning, I'll likely post relatively frequently, as there are previous trips I am playing catch up on. Once I've caught up on all my previous travels, I'll only post after a trip. You can sign up to get updated about new posts here.

Why do you say "travel recap" or "travel diary" instead of "travel guide"?
Honestly, I am simply not well-traveled enough/knowledgeable enough to provide "travel guides." To me, a "travel guide" is comprehensive, written by a local or Rick Steves, rather than a tourist. I prefer "recap" and "diary" because it's a more accurate descriptor of what I'm providing: A recap of my own trip and experiences, rather than a guide of a city that I only spent a few days in.

love from
